- If you have unpaid charges you will not be permitted to purchase a Student Parking Permit.
- Parking permits will be mailed according to this schedule:
Summer 24:
May 20th, May 28th, and June 10th
Fall 24:
July 22nd, August 05th, August 26th, and September 09th
Spring 25:
December 23rd, January 06th, January 27th, and February 10th
The permits are mailed to the most current student mailing address.
No permits will be mailed after
June 10th for the Summer 2024, September 9th for the Fall 2024, and February 10th for the Spring 2025 term.
After the last scheduled mailer, pick up your permit at MUB 360.
PLEASE NOTE: No parking permit will be mailed if you have an outstanding balance on the day your permit is scheduled to be mailed.
If your mailing address is not current, you can change it by clicking on "Personal Information" in the Main Menu, then clicking on "Update address and Phone" you will see your mailing address. Click on the "Current" link and change it.
Financial aid students pay a lower parking fee.
If you are a Financial Aid applicant and your financial aid status is not yet posted by the Financial Aid office, you will be charged a higher fee, but after the Office of Financial Aid posts your FA status, you can go to the Bursar's Office, MUB 360 to request a refund.
Your Student Parking Permit is not interchangeable and must be affixed permanently to the lower right-hand corner of your vehicle's windshield.
Semester Parking Permits may be refunded if the permit is returned to the Bursar's Office, MUB 360, by the end of the second week of Spring & Fall instruction, and first week of Summer instruction.
You should be aware of the College regulations for Parking, smoking, skateboarding, animals, and bicycles.
Temporary Parking Permits can be obtained at MUB 360 after purchase and payment.
Students registered for classes need to reapply for a parking permit every semester.
Students who are currently on an installment payment plan shall pick up the parking permit in person at MUB 360.